Vines on a Blighted House at Mandolin and Cartier

Finally, a new rear tire procured and mounted. I swear, being without the Surly for two days turned me into a total crank; I was desperate to take the bike out for a ride today. The weather was that perfect late summer sunny, and there were two parades downtown and the promise of a long afternoon without destination or rain forecasts–my favorite. I rode down to catch one parade, and then the other, and then the first one again. I headed toward the 7th Ward, up St. Bernard. Continue reading

Crowd Control at the Southern Decadence Parade

Crowd Control at Southern Decadence ParadeI had planned to stay Uptown today to get some work done, especially since it looked like it would pour again. But after a quick ride around my neighborhood and some lunch, the sun was out and it seemed like a most excellent day for a ride down to the Quarter for some festival–it’s Southern Decadence and Black Men of Labor time! Continue reading