Blue Skies and Green in Herring Run Park

Mondays are for strength training at my favorite spa in Baltimore, Planet Fitness, but I looked out the window this morning and knew I was not in the mood to exercise indoors. I also checked the weather report, and it was immediately clear to me that outside exercise would need to happen before noon. I’m too precious to be riding a bike around in 90 degree weather in APRIL. So I lathered up in sunscreen and took the bike out for a little ten mile jaunt.

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Lesbian Lot at Cathedral & Brexton

I haven’t been blogging much these days, too busy with work and out of the habit. But I was thinking about this blog on my ride yesterday and wanted to check back in and say thank you, bicycle and bicycle blog, for teaching me how to pay attention in new ways.

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Cloudy Sky Over Druid Hill Park Reservoir

Dense clouds above a gated body of water with an open fence.

So many bike rides until lately, when I have found myself catching rides and borrowing the car. I have long understood that my ability to commute by bike and bus is possible because my work schedule is flexible and I don’t currently care for anyone who needs me to pick them up somewhere. I spend two and half to three hours a day commuting when I go to campus. And now it’s Fall 2023, and my work life is much busier than it has been, and it’s either grab a ride with Susan or get home after dinner. I’ll take the ride. (Thanks, Susan!)

I type this not to apologize for not writing on my blog, or for not riding my bike. All of this stuff is entirely up to me. But in my therapy appointment today I talked about the frustration I feel about not getting to explore on my bike as much as I usually get to explore, so after our appointment I headed out to enjoy the cool air and the cloudy sky.

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Clouds in a Blue Sky Above Lake Montebello

Bright blue sky peppered with fluffy white clouds above a reservoir along a bike path.

And then it cooled down, and that has made all the difference! I took myself out for my regular Herring Run Trail ride on Monday, and it felt so good. I kept staring up at the sky. It was perfect from every angle–bright blue, fluffy clouds, offering just enough shade to keep me cool-ish. I snapped this one near the end of my ride, doing my second C around Lake Montebello.

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Providence Baptist Church Community Festival at W. Lafayette and Pennsylvania Avenue

A clear blue sky in the background, a sign for the Royal Theater in the foreground, and white tents with purple balloons to the left.

I spent last weekend all by myself–the ladyfriend was visiting family in St. Louis. I love her so much, and I was also thrilled to have four full days in the house by myself to do whatever I wanted. Now, I do whatever I want all the time. I don’t have to wait for her to leave to sit on the couch watching terrible reality and eating a whole box of cookies, for example; she’s happy to share space with me as I am being myself, and I feel completely able to be fully myself, too. That’s my favorite part of this relationship. And yet, there’s something different about being truly alone, and I was so excited to have that time and space.

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Looking up at the Harford Road Bridge from the East Side of Herring Run Park

News flash! It’s hot out! I headed out the door to ride my bike to a dentist appointment up in Hamilton last month, and my partner implored me to use the car. “It’s not safe,” she said. I was like, I have been riding my bike in hot and humid summer heat for fifteen years, I’m fine. And I was, and she was right–it was really hot out. And I was right–I could indeed ride my bike in it.

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New Condos near McElderry & Aisquith

I haven’t been on my bike much this week, heeding my body’s request for rest. My longest ride was Sunday, first to meet friends for brunch, and then to check out the new bike lane on Central. The ladyfriend drove alongside it and promised I’d love it. She was absolutely right. I took the Monument Street bike lane, a right on Central, and for awhile was sharing the lane with drivers. And then, like a mirage, the widest bike lane I have ever seen emerged. The asphalt is still riding like it’s brand new, and I stretched out, big smile, thank you for these blocks of safe riding, Baltimore!

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A Farm Near Easton, MD

Ten years ago I trained for and rode in Ride for the Feast. It’s a big fundraiser for Moveable Feast, an organization that provides nutritionally balanced meals to people with health conditions who are also facing food insecurity. It’s a great organization that does amazing things, and ten years ago it was also the place I rode my first century. I signed up for it not because it was such a good cause, but because I love riding a bike, and I wanted to meet some bike-loving queers–which I did.

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Bike Locked at UMMC at Lombard & Penn Street

Close up of a black U lock through a red bike rack, a black lock, and a blue bike helmet.

It has been a long work week, and today, when I finally have a couple of hours that I could spend on my bicycle, it is pouring rain, big winds headed our way, and nope, not going to get to do that today. I mean, I could, but I’m way past starting a ride in weather like this just because I feel like I “should” get the miles in. I’m still working on the listening to my body thing, and I will all too often start a ride when my body would prefer I rest, but hey, baby steps.

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Looking East from the Washington Monument in Mount Vernon

The top half of the photo is a clear blue sky and a busy cityscape takes up the bottom half.

Sunday’s ride took me down the hill to meet L. and friends for her birthday brunch at our regular place–she’s fun and 41, as she says! I don’t personally celebrate Easter, but it looked like everyone else in the neighborhood did. There were lots of suits and ties, dresses and hats, kids squirming in clothes that looked cute and uncomfortable. I rolled up to the bike rack and had to ask a family of eight to make way so I could use it. We shared some words about the weather (it was amazing) and waited impatiently for the restaurant to open. When it did, they got themselves a big table at the back, and I grabbed the corner bar for us, ordered coffee, and stared at my phone until my friends showed up.

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