Nirvana Restaurant at Magazine & General Pershing

Nirvana Restaurant at Magazine & General Pershing I spent the end of last week in New Orleans, a short trip that was needed for a long time. I hadn’t been back in three years, previous visit attempts thwarted by cancer, the inability to make a travel plan because of cancer’s ptsd, and, of course, hurricane warnings this July. I made it, finally. I spent time with friends and their lovers, friends, children, and pets, and it was such a treat to peek in on so many lives and say hello! I’ve missed you! I’m still here too!

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Collapsed Roof on a House on Roffignac & Dorgenois

Ok, the weather is just ridiculous in New Orleans right now. I got up early, read for a bit, and then took the bike out for a ride. After a couple hours of grading at the coffee shoppe I pedaled out with no destination. I headed toward the Lower 9th but was thwarted by the bridge up at the Industrial Canal. Wait, wait, wait, and then wait a little bit more, and then I was zipping around, trying to trace as many newly-paved roads as possible. Continue reading

Demolishing a Church at Prytania & Josephine

The weather was ridiculous today–over 60 degrees, sunny, bright blue sky, slight breeze. That meant I could leave the leggings at home and just slip on a skirt and go out for a ride. I rode down to meet A. for brunch and then headed to the Marigny for coffee and reading. Continue reading

“Sorry We’re Corrupt” Sticker at Magazine and St. Andrew

Contrary to popular belief, I do own a car, and for some strange reason, I was in the mood to drive yesterday. I did, and sheesh, it’s different to drive. I got everywhere so fast and dry! I even went to the suburbs, to the mall. I passed a couple of friends as I sped down Rampart. I beeped the horn, waved, and and wondered if they’d wonder what I was doing in a car. But enough about What I Saw Driving A Car Around Yesterday. Today I was back on the bike, to work and back and then to dinner with B. and back. We took a short walk around afterward, and I noticed this sticker on a fire hydrant on Magazine and St. Andrew (I think). I kind of love it. I could wonder who it’s referring to–the NOPD? BP? IMF?  WTO? HBO?–but mostly what I thought about as I passed it tonight on my walk back to the bike was how things look really, really different depending on your mode of transportation. And, as B. said tonight, sometimes you’ve just got to walk.

A Caressing Breeze From the Bywater to the Lower Garden District

I don’t usually ride my bike with other people. When I go out for a ride it is usually so I can be alone, not because I’m thinking terribly deep thoughts, but kind of so I can empty out, not pay attention to anything but the road, the traffic, and whatever pops into my view. And sometimes I’m just trying to get somewhere, as fast as I can. Tonight, though, I rode back home with B., after  a lovely evening out with a whole slew of good friends. Continue reading

Demolition at Chippewa and Race

As anyone who lives here or has spent any time at all reading my blog knows, New Orleans is a place where neighborhoods change drastically from just block to block. I headed downtown to meet J. and her old friend J. for his work party, and instead of taking St. Charles or Magazine or Laurel, I headed down to Chippewa, which honestly feels like a different city from just a few blocks further away from the river. Continue reading

Magnolia Tree in Bloom at Magazine and First

I remember springtime in New York City when I was in college. There was this giant magnolia tree on the main lawn, and as the temperatures warmed up, it would start to bud, and we would all watch, waiting impatiently for its large pink flowers to open. Continue reading

Graffiti at Magazine and Josephine

I had the day off but lots of work to do, so I packed my computer and the first batch of papers to grade for the semester, and rode over to a coffee shop to meet with a smarty pants graduate student. She’s writing a master’s thesis about baseball, gender, race, and U.S. nationalism. It’s good. Anyway, after writing a few things on behalf of one thing or another, I biked back home down Freret, as per usual, but this time to grab my car to pick up J. for lunch and a ride home to the Treme. Continue reading

Phillies vs. Yankees at Burgundy and Conti

Phillies vs. Yankees at a French Quarter BarI got Rhoda some presents today. I stopped at the fabulously friendly and convenient Uptown shop, Mike the Bike Guy, and got her new handlebars (the right bar was finally rusting off after last year’s crash that bent it) and grips, a new front tire (that thing is so worn you can almost see the tube near the rim), and a new bottom bracket for my fender (ah, rust…). Continue reading

No Trespassing at Baronne and Terpsichore

No Trespassing Sign at Baronne and TerpsichoreI spent a lovely day exploring the Barataria Nature Preserve with J., thinking it would be really nice to have a bike out there. Tonight, though, after a good bit of time spent repairing a flat and picking glass out of my front tire, I got to ride. I headed down to the Bywater to meet friends for drinks. Continue reading