Inside a Wall at Ostend & Light

Inside a Wall at Ostend & LightFriday was one of those perfect bike riding days, first up to Roland Park for a therapy appointment and then back down the hill to treat myself to a grilled cheese sandwich and fries before riding up to Federal Hill to meet O. and her mom at her art studio where they were working on a project that is taking a precision and patience that I could never show. I stopped early on Light Street to lock up at a real rack and take a leisurely stroll up the hill. Federal Hill is all bars and restaurants and specialty dog stores and frozen yogurt and vape shoppes, what what is left after gentrification–or urban change, as I’m starting to call it in my head so I don’t jump to conclusions just based on a word–pushes on through. But this is Baltimore, so it’s always only partly done, plenty of vacancy to go around. I stopped near Ostend, I think, to snap this picture of the wall edge of a vacant lot. I could see inside it, the brick facade up against the junked-in layers that make up the walls of another empty building. Everything’s uneven, even when it doesn’t look like it is. I spent an hour in the art studio before getting back on the bike, a quick stop to see A. at the coffee shop, and then back up the hill to home. It was a perfect vacation day, made a zillion times better by bike.

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